An Entertainer Like No Other: Sammy Davis, Jr.

In 2016, Kanye West shocked the world by donning a MAGA hat and publicly supporting the very controversial President Donald Trump. This show of support was seen as problematic by much of popular culture and most African Americans as that President stood for racial and social opinions that an African American man was supposed to oppose. Continue reading An Entertainer Like No Other: Sammy Davis, Jr.

How Black and White Women Internalize Beauty Standards Centering Thinness and Whiteness

“The problem is not with your body; the problem is what you think of it and what you think of yourself.” The anonymous quotation above acknowledges the problem of body dissatisfaction that has plagued a majority of contemporary American women . . . Continue reading How Black and White Women Internalize Beauty Standards Centering Thinness and Whiteness

The Precarious Potentials of Human Genome Editing

In Aldous Huxley’s 1932 dystopian novel Brave New World, he imagined a society in which human beings were created through an assembly line type process, and where their thoughts and desires were conditioned from birth by those in power. Today, we are on the cusp of a technological revolution within the genomics field, and Huxley’s hypothesis just might prove . . . Continue reading The Precarious Potentials of Human Genome Editing

Acknowledgements (vol. XIII)

Neither the Edith Kinney Gaylord Expository Writing Program nor this thirteenth issue of our student literary publication would exist without the contributions of so many excellent undergraduate writers. The primary credit for Volume XIII of Brainstorm belongs to the students whose work we showcase this year: Dylan Becker, Maddisen Foster, Carly Kirkland, Kaly Pham, Jennevieve E. Scott, and Carolyne Tsuma . . . Continue reading Acknowledgements (vol. XIII)