“I, I-I, I-I-I won’t forget it:” Resistance and Pleasure in Greenwood’s Black Music

Picture this: a white 17 year old student rolling up to Jenks High School at 9 am, blasting a bass heavy trap song about a Black rapper selling cocaine to make ends meet in the projects, the booms beating against the frame of their brand new Jeep Grand Cherokee… Continue reading “I, I-I, I-I-I won’t forget it:” Resistance and Pleasure in Greenwood’s Black Music

From Blues to Country Music: “The White Man’s Blues”

Country music has gained a large following since its inception in the 1920s and is now a staple in American culture. From city folk in the American South to rural white communities across the nation, country music entertains listeners with songs featuring stories about heartbreak, religious devotion, substance abuse, the struggles of the working class, and the stereotypical pick-up trucks. .. Continue reading From Blues to Country Music: “The White Man’s Blues”

The Unworthy Citizen: An Examination of how the Racialization of Islam Hinders the Citizenship of Muslim Americans and Arab Americans

The very first line of the 1st Amendment of the Constitution allows US citizens to practice any religion they please by separating the Church and State into two separate entities. Yet even with this highly praised provision in the highest law of the land, all religions are still not created equal… Continue reading The Unworthy Citizen: An Examination of how the Racialization of Islam Hinders the Citizenship of Muslim Americans and Arab Americans